Become a model

By becoming a model at the Seraph London, you will be able to receive all anti-wrinkle and Dermal Filler procedures at heavily discounted prices, almost half of what you pay ata aesthetic clinic. Anti-wrinkle treatments starting at £45 per treatment area and Dermal Filler treatments starting at £65.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. You must be 18 years of age or older

  2. You mustn’t be pregnant or breastfeeding.

  3. You must agree to a photographic consent.

How to Regsiter

Whatsapp us @ +44 7783 709070 with the following details:

  1. Your name

  2. Your DOB

  3. Your Address

  4. Your Contact Number

  5. Allergies, if you have any

  6. Medications, if you take any

  7. Neuromuscular Conditions, if you have any

  8. Aesthetic Treatments, if you have had any in the last 6 months

  9. Forward & Side Facing Photos of your face.

  10. Confimation that you are not pregnant or breastfeading.

Some Before & Afters from our trainings